Peer-Reviewed Publications
S. Oladokun, K. F. Clark, D. Adewole. (2022). Microbiota and transcriptomic effects of an essential oil blend and its delivery route compared to an antibiotic growth promoter in broiler chickens. Microorganisms 10 861.
S. Koepper, C. W. Revie, H. Stryhn, K. F. Clark, S. Scott-Tibetts, K. K. Thakur. (2021). Spatial and temporal patterns in the sex ratio of American lobsters (Homerus americanus) in southwestern Nova Scotia, Canada. Scientific Reports 11.
J. Bojko, K. F. Clark, S. Stewart-Clark, G. Stentiford. (2021). Panopeispora mellora n. gen. n. sp. (Microsporidia) infecting Say's crabs (Dyspanopeus sayi) from the Atlantic shoreline of Canada. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 184 107652.
J. Polinski, A. V. Zimin, K. F. Clark, A. B. Kohn. (2021). The American lobster genome reveals insights on longevity, neural, and immune adaptations. Science Advances 7.
M. Niemisto, D. M. Fields, K. F. Clark, J. D. Waller, S. J. Greenwod, R. A. Wahle. (2020). American lobster postlarvae alter gene regulation in response to ocean warming and acidification. Ecology and Evolution 11 806-819
S. Hall, S. Stewart-Clark, D. Méthé, K. F. Clark, R. Tremblay. (2020). Comparison of absorbance efficiency and metabolic rate between wild and aquaculture oysters (Crassostrea Virginica). Aquaculture Reports 16 100263
L. Taylor, N. S. Mann, D. Daoud, K. F. Clark, M. R, Heuvel, S. J. Greenwood. (2019). Effects of sublethal chlorpyrifos exposure on postlarval American lobster (Homarus americanus). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 38 1294-1301
J. Bojko, P. Stebbing, A. Dunn, K. Bateman, K. F. Clark, R. Kerr, S. Stewart-Clark, A. Johannesen, & G. Stentiford. (2018). Green crab Carcinus maenas symbiont profiles along a North Atlantic invasion route. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 128 147-168.
K. F. Clark, J. Yang, A. R. Acorn, J. J. Garland, S. E. Stewart-Clark, S. J. Greenwood (2017) The impact of harvesting location on American lobster (Homarus americanus) during live storage. Journal of Crustacean Biology 37 303-314.
J. Bojko, K. F. Clark, D. Bass, A. M. Dunn, S. E. Stewart-Clark, P. D. Stebbing, G. D. Stentiford. (2016) Parahepatospora carcini n. gen., n. sp., a parasite of invasive Carcinus maenas with intermediate features of sporogony between the Enterocytozoon clade and other Microsporidia. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 143 124-134.
L. Benestan, J-S. Moore, B. J. G. Sutherland, J. L. Luyer, H. Maaroufi, C. Rougeux, E. Normandeau, N. Rycroft, J. Atema, L. N. Harris, R. F. Tallman, S. J. Greenwood, K. F. Clark, L. Bernatchez. (2017) Sex matters in massive parallel sequencing: Evidence for biases in genetic parameter estimation and investigation of sex determination systems. Molecular Ecology 26 6767-6783.
L. Benestan, B. K. Quinn, H. Maaroufi, M. Laporte, K. F. Clark, S. J. Greenwood. R. Rochette, L. Bernatachez. (2016) Seascape genomics provides evidence for thermal adaption and current-mediated poplation structure in American lobster (Homarus americanus). Molecular Ecology 25 5073-5092.
K. F. Clark, S. J. Greenwood (2016) Next-generation sequencing and the crustacean immune system: the need for alternatives in immune gene annotation. Integrative and Comparative Biology, Integrative and Comparative Biology 56 1113-1130.
K. F. Clark, D. Wadowska, S. J. Greenwood. (2016) Aerococcus viridans var. homari: the presence of capsule and the relationship to virulence in American lobster (Homarus americanus). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 133 20-26.
K. F. Clark, A. R. Acorn, H. Wang, S. J. Greenwood. (2015) Comparative tissue expression of American lobster (Homarus americanus) immune genes during bacterial and scuticociliate challenge. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 47 1054-1066.
C. E. Davies, A. F. Johnson, E. C. Wootton, S. J. Greenwood, K. F. Clark, C. L. Vogan, A. F. Rowley. (2014) High population densities may lead to injury-induced disease within a temperate No-Take Zone. ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi:10.1093.
K. F. Clark. (2014) Characterization and functional classification of American lobster (Homarus americanus) immune factor transcripts. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 41 12-26.
K. F. Clark, P. Byrne, A. R. Acorn, S. J. Greenwood. (2013) Molecular immune response of the American lobster (Homarus americanus) to the White Spot Syndrome Virus. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 114 298-308.
K. F. Clark, A. R. Acorn, S. J. Greenwood. (2013) A transcriptomic analysis of American lobster (Homarus americanus) immune response during infection with the bumper car parasite Anophryoides haemophila. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 40 112-122.
K. F. Clark, A. R. Acorn, S. J. Greenwood. (2013) Differential expression of American lobster (Homarus americanus) immune related genes during infection of Aerococcus viridans var. homari, the causative agent of Gaffkemia. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 112 192-202.
D. Hines, K. F. Clark, S. J. Greenwood. (2013) Global gene expression profiling of American lobster, Homarus americanus, larval stages during development and metamorphosis. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 58 97-107.
M. Bauer, S. J. Greenwood, K. F. Clark, P. Jackman, W. Fairchild. (2013) Analysis of gene expression in Homarus americanus larvae exposed to sublethal concentrations of endosulfan during metamorphosis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D 8 300-308.
M. AboElkhair, T. Iwamoto, K. F. Clark, P. McKenna, A. Siah, S. J. Greenwood, F. C. J. Berthe, J. W. Casey, A. Cepica. (2011) Lack of detection of a putative retrovirus associated with haemic neoplasia in the soft shell clam Mya arenaria. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 109 97-104.
K. F. Clark, S. J. Greenwood. (2011) Aerococcus viridans expression of Cpn60 is associated with virulence during infection of the American lobster Homarus americanus. Journal of Fish Diseases 34 831-843.
A. G. Acorn, K. F. Clark, S. Jones; B. Despres, S. Munro, R. Cawthorn, S. J. Greenwood. (2011) Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) and gene expression changes under different growth conditions for the ciliate Anophryoides haemophila, the causative agent of bumper car disease in the American lobster (Homarus americanus). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 107 146-154.
J. VanLeeuwen, S. J. Greenwood, K. F. Clark, A. Acorn, F. Markham, J. McCarron, R. O’Handley. (2011) Monensin use against Neospora caninum challenge in dairy cattle. Veterinary Parasitology 175 372-376.
M. AboElkhair, A. Siah, K. F. Clark, P. McKenna, J. Pariseau, S. J. Greenwood, F. C. J. Berthe, A. Cepica. (2009) Reverse transcriptase activity associated with haemic neoplasia in the soft-shell clam Mya arenaria. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 84 57-63.
Book Chapter
K. F. Clark, 2016. Nimaviruses of Crustaceans, in: F Kibenge, M. Godoy, (Eds.), Aquaculture Virology. Elsevier Inc., New York.
S. Oladokun, K. F. Clark, D. Adewole. (2022). Microbiota and transcriptomic effects of an essential oil blend and its delivery route compared to an antibiotic growth promoter in broiler chickens. Microorganisms 10 861.
S. Koepper, C. W. Revie, H. Stryhn, K. F. Clark, S. Scott-Tibetts, K. K. Thakur. (2021). Spatial and temporal patterns in the sex ratio of American lobsters (Homerus americanus) in southwestern Nova Scotia, Canada. Scientific Reports 11.
J. Bojko, K. F. Clark, S. Stewart-Clark, G. Stentiford. (2021). Panopeispora mellora n. gen. n. sp. (Microsporidia) infecting Say's crabs (Dyspanopeus sayi) from the Atlantic shoreline of Canada. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 184 107652.
J. Polinski, A. V. Zimin, K. F. Clark, A. B. Kohn. (2021). The American lobster genome reveals insights on longevity, neural, and immune adaptations. Science Advances 7.
M. Niemisto, D. M. Fields, K. F. Clark, J. D. Waller, S. J. Greenwod, R. A. Wahle. (2020). American lobster postlarvae alter gene regulation in response to ocean warming and acidification. Ecology and Evolution 11 806-819
S. Hall, S. Stewart-Clark, D. Méthé, K. F. Clark, R. Tremblay. (2020). Comparison of absorbance efficiency and metabolic rate between wild and aquaculture oysters (Crassostrea Virginica). Aquaculture Reports 16 100263
L. Taylor, N. S. Mann, D. Daoud, K. F. Clark, M. R, Heuvel, S. J. Greenwood. (2019). Effects of sublethal chlorpyrifos exposure on postlarval American lobster (Homarus americanus). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 38 1294-1301
J. Bojko, P. Stebbing, A. Dunn, K. Bateman, K. F. Clark, R. Kerr, S. Stewart-Clark, A. Johannesen, & G. Stentiford. (2018). Green crab Carcinus maenas symbiont profiles along a North Atlantic invasion route. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 128 147-168.
K. F. Clark, J. Yang, A. R. Acorn, J. J. Garland, S. E. Stewart-Clark, S. J. Greenwood (2017) The impact of harvesting location on American lobster (Homarus americanus) during live storage. Journal of Crustacean Biology 37 303-314.
J. Bojko, K. F. Clark, D. Bass, A. M. Dunn, S. E. Stewart-Clark, P. D. Stebbing, G. D. Stentiford. (2016) Parahepatospora carcini n. gen., n. sp., a parasite of invasive Carcinus maenas with intermediate features of sporogony between the Enterocytozoon clade and other Microsporidia. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 143 124-134.
L. Benestan, J-S. Moore, B. J. G. Sutherland, J. L. Luyer, H. Maaroufi, C. Rougeux, E. Normandeau, N. Rycroft, J. Atema, L. N. Harris, R. F. Tallman, S. J. Greenwood, K. F. Clark, L. Bernatchez. (2017) Sex matters in massive parallel sequencing: Evidence for biases in genetic parameter estimation and investigation of sex determination systems. Molecular Ecology 26 6767-6783.
L. Benestan, B. K. Quinn, H. Maaroufi, M. Laporte, K. F. Clark, S. J. Greenwood. R. Rochette, L. Bernatachez. (2016) Seascape genomics provides evidence for thermal adaption and current-mediated poplation structure in American lobster (Homarus americanus). Molecular Ecology 25 5073-5092.
K. F. Clark, S. J. Greenwood (2016) Next-generation sequencing and the crustacean immune system: the need for alternatives in immune gene annotation. Integrative and Comparative Biology, Integrative and Comparative Biology 56 1113-1130.
K. F. Clark, D. Wadowska, S. J. Greenwood. (2016) Aerococcus viridans var. homari: the presence of capsule and the relationship to virulence in American lobster (Homarus americanus). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 133 20-26.
K. F. Clark, A. R. Acorn, H. Wang, S. J. Greenwood. (2015) Comparative tissue expression of American lobster (Homarus americanus) immune genes during bacterial and scuticociliate challenge. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 47 1054-1066.
C. E. Davies, A. F. Johnson, E. C. Wootton, S. J. Greenwood, K. F. Clark, C. L. Vogan, A. F. Rowley. (2014) High population densities may lead to injury-induced disease within a temperate No-Take Zone. ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi:10.1093.
K. F. Clark. (2014) Characterization and functional classification of American lobster (Homarus americanus) immune factor transcripts. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 41 12-26.
K. F. Clark, P. Byrne, A. R. Acorn, S. J. Greenwood. (2013) Molecular immune response of the American lobster (Homarus americanus) to the White Spot Syndrome Virus. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 114 298-308.
K. F. Clark, A. R. Acorn, S. J. Greenwood. (2013) A transcriptomic analysis of American lobster (Homarus americanus) immune response during infection with the bumper car parasite Anophryoides haemophila. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 40 112-122.
K. F. Clark, A. R. Acorn, S. J. Greenwood. (2013) Differential expression of American lobster (Homarus americanus) immune related genes during infection of Aerococcus viridans var. homari, the causative agent of Gaffkemia. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 112 192-202.
D. Hines, K. F. Clark, S. J. Greenwood. (2013) Global gene expression profiling of American lobster, Homarus americanus, larval stages during development and metamorphosis. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 58 97-107.
M. Bauer, S. J. Greenwood, K. F. Clark, P. Jackman, W. Fairchild. (2013) Analysis of gene expression in Homarus americanus larvae exposed to sublethal concentrations of endosulfan during metamorphosis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D 8 300-308.
M. AboElkhair, T. Iwamoto, K. F. Clark, P. McKenna, A. Siah, S. J. Greenwood, F. C. J. Berthe, J. W. Casey, A. Cepica. (2011) Lack of detection of a putative retrovirus associated with haemic neoplasia in the soft shell clam Mya arenaria. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 109 97-104.
K. F. Clark, S. J. Greenwood. (2011) Aerococcus viridans expression of Cpn60 is associated with virulence during infection of the American lobster Homarus americanus. Journal of Fish Diseases 34 831-843.
A. G. Acorn, K. F. Clark, S. Jones; B. Despres, S. Munro, R. Cawthorn, S. J. Greenwood. (2011) Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) and gene expression changes under different growth conditions for the ciliate Anophryoides haemophila, the causative agent of bumper car disease in the American lobster (Homarus americanus). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 107 146-154.
J. VanLeeuwen, S. J. Greenwood, K. F. Clark, A. Acorn, F. Markham, J. McCarron, R. O’Handley. (2011) Monensin use against Neospora caninum challenge in dairy cattle. Veterinary Parasitology 175 372-376.
M. AboElkhair, A. Siah, K. F. Clark, P. McKenna, J. Pariseau, S. J. Greenwood, F. C. J. Berthe, A. Cepica. (2009) Reverse transcriptase activity associated with haemic neoplasia in the soft-shell clam Mya arenaria. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 84 57-63.
Book Chapter
K. F. Clark, 2016. Nimaviruses of Crustaceans, in: F Kibenge, M. Godoy, (Eds.), Aquaculture Virology. Elsevier Inc., New York.